VOHM - October 4, 2020

God moves through His people
Vision of Hope Ministries (VOHM) is faced with many challenges as we seek the direction of the Holy Spirit in this new season in Haiti. The ministry leadership is strong and focused. However, Haiti is facing crises in governance, leadership, finance, and Covid-19, all contributing to food and job insecurity for the Haitian people.
We are faced with needs beyond our normal operating budget. Food and job insecurity mean many cannot care for their families and consequently are not able to pay full tuition for their children in our Christian K-12 school. The buses we use to bring children into Cap Haitian are almost past their useful life and the repairs are very costly.
VOHM has been blessed with a partnership with Food for the Poor and has access to 40,000 lbs. of rice and beans for our distribution to those in need. VOHM needed to raise $14,000 to purchase this food. The stark realization that we would be hard pressed to cover the school payroll shortfall, bus repairs, and raise an additional $14,000 for the food brought us to a hard decision. So, on September 14th the board made the decision to hold on a campaign for food. This really was an impossible decision.
Kevin Mayne from Food for the Poor (FFTP) texted me on the next day, September 15th, around 1PM telling me that the bishop in charge of FFTP in Haiti moved three hundred, 100 lb. bags of rice and one hundred, 100lb bags of beans (40,000lbs.) to their warehouse in Cap Haitian earmarked for VOHM!!! Kevin said this was strange because he had not yet made the formal request and Kevin had told me on September 1st the request for food may take a long time to process because the need is so great in Haiti.

I was most distraught because I had to call Kevin telling him of the board’s decision to hold and our reasons. Kevin said he completely understood. I thought this was a dead issue.

Then comes God...

Kevin asked me if I thought it made any sense for him to call an NGO in South East Florida who previously helped with food purchase. I thought to myself no, they just supported our first distribution in 2020. Then, I said yes why don’t you ask and tell them I will personally guarantee half or $7,000. So, Kevin went to work and called this donor to reach out for help to purchase food.

While Kevin was working, I remembered Patrick Franklin (VOHM Haiti business Manager) mentioned to me on September 14th that a supporting church in Pennsylvania said they were praying to raise money to buy food for VOHM. I emailed them, explained what we were trying to do, and the church said they were trying to raise $5,000.

All of the above transpired in about 3 hours, with three phone calls. This morning, Sept 16th, the agent at the Pennsylvania church emailed me and said they have the $5,000!
Then I began to put it together:
Why did the bishop move the food to Cap for VOHM without a formal request, why did Kevin think to ask our faithful donor, why did I remember what Patrick said about our Pennsylvania church raising funds for food? Why? I believe it is because God is moving!
I received a text on Sept 21st from Kevin that a church and the NGO in South East Florida raised the additional $7,000 we need to deliver 40,000 lbs. of food. Food that has already been delivered to Cap Haitian waiting for VOHM to distribute. VOHM is adding $2,000 from our disaster relief fund to bring our total to $14,000.
I have been serving in Haiti since 1995 and I know campaigns for funds and delivery of containers of food NEVER, NEVER come together in 7 days, unless God is moving. So, all praise and glory to HIM. I just had to share this story of God’s provision with you.

Greg Schuenke
President VOHM, Inc
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